2020 Goals Update – 15/01/2020
On this day: Martin Luther King Jr was Born
1. Healthy:
1.1. Diet – No sweet drinks for the entire year
1.2. Diet – No fast food
1.3. Body – At least one physical exercise each day
Been doing a lot of stretching
2. Wealthy:
2.1. Money – Spend less money eating out
I’ve been eat out for dinner less, I think about only 3 times so far this year.
2.2. Attention – Reduce the number of times the phone is checked
I think I can improve on this, removing notifications has helped
2.3. Relationships – Show more appreciation
I need to do this more
3. Wise:
3.1. Take in knowledge – Read 60 books
On track, finished 2 books so far
3.2. Share what I know – Write every day
15 posts in 15 days achieved!
Overall Self Grading: B+