2020 Goals
So last year, I kind of fell off the wagon with my resolution. But back at it this year. If you’re reading this, please ask me about it throughout the year to keep me accountable. Thanks in advance!
1. Healthy:
1.1. Diet – No sweet drinks for the entire year
1.2. Diet – No fast food
1.3. Body – At least one physical exercise each day
2. Wealthy:
2.1. Money – Spend less money eating out
2.2. Attention – Reduce the number of times the phone is checked
2.3. Relationships – Show more appreciation
3. Wise:
3.1. Take in knowledge – Read 60 books
3.2. Share what I know – Write every day
- Water, tea and protein shakes – that’s pretty much all I’ll allows myself to drink
- Stock fridge with frozen food – no excuse of convenience when there is always something convenient to heat up
- Options for exercise include: stretching / free weights and calisthenics at home / get a gym membership / jogs / basketball
- Schedule dedicated time for exercise
- Reduce my “Food” spending to $3.5k for the calendar year which works out to be $290 per month
- Reduce the number of notifications per app by 75% on my phone and take advantage of the “Do No Disturb” mode
- Show more gratitude – I’m going to call this random acts of gratitude, and will aim to do this at least 3 times a week
- Keep doing what I’ve been doing for the past 3 years of reading challenges.
- Sign up to an Audio Book service
- Draft multiple posts and jot down blog ideas for fleshing out when possible