Tech Partnerships

Snapchat and Amazon

Take photo on Snapchat and you can get directed to the product’s Amazon page to buy. Further blurring the lines of social and commerce. (Link)

Salesforce and Apple

Salesforce is working with Apple to implement features like Face ID, Business Chat, and the new-in-iOS-12 Siri Shortcuts.


As Gary V has said on many occasions, voice integration and audio seems to be the next big trend that will appear in tech in the next couple of years, with the explosion of podcasting being the tip of the iceberg. and Spotify

A bit on the weirder side. Sign up to the ancestryDNA program, spit in a tube and send it to They’ll tell you about your heritage and provide an accompanying soundtrack. 

Alternatively you can just go here.

Twitter and Turbovote

Twitter users will be prompted to register to vote in the US midterm elections.  (Link)

Side note: Twitter has a political division called TwitterGov 

With #BeAVoter, Twitter users can register to vote, or encourage others to do the same.