Book Summary: Good to Great
Good to Great is an insightful book by Jim Collins recommended by Blair, the MD of Amicus Digital (where I work). It revolves (pun intended) around the concept of the the Flywheel, and consistent factors in organisations that went from mediocre to consistently great.
The Flywheel – Recurrent, margin-generating heart of a business (see here)
The Flywheel contains two parts, with 3 thematic concepts in discipline :
Part 1: Buildup of Good to Great Companies
Level 5 Leadership (Disciplined People)
- Good to Great organisation have Level 5 leaders
- A paradoxical blend of personal humility and professional will.
- Ambitious first and foremost for the company not themselves
- More a plow horse than a show horse
- Looks out window to attribute success and towards a mirror for failure
First Who…Then What (Disciplined People)
- Good to Great companies first get the right people on the bus before figuring where to drive it
- “A genius with a thousand helpers” is not sustainable
- Salary should not incentivise the wrong people with the right behaviours
- Instead it should attract the right people and keep them in the right positions
- The right person has more to do with character traits and innate capabilities than specific knowledge, background or skills
- The ultimate bottleneck for growth is not markets, technology, competition or products, but keeping the right people
- Put your best people on your biggest opportunities, not your biggest problems
Confront the Brutal Facts (Disciplined Thought)
- The Stockdale Paradox – Retain faith that you will prevail in the end regardless of the difficulties WHILST confront the brutal factors of your current situation
- Culture of opportunity to be heard – for extracting truth
- Leading with questions
- Promote dialogue and debate, not coercion
- Conduct autopsies without blame
- Build red flags mechanisms – for information that cannot be ignored
- Instead of trying to motivate, consider how to prevent de-motivation
- The right people are naturally motivated
Part 2: Breakthrough and Rapid Growth for Good to Great organisations
Hedgehog Concept (Disciplined Thought)
- Three circles for the concept, which have focus and drives success for Good to Great Companies:
- Passion
- Best in world potential
- Economic Engine – one metric that has single greatest impact e.g. profit per x
- The council for an iterative process to reach the concept: Questions –> Dialogue and Debate –> Decision and Execution –> Autopsies and Analysis
- 5-12 people
- Each member capable of debating and challenging with respect
- Range of perspectives with deep domain knowledge
- An informal standing body that meets periodically
- Does not seek consensus
- Took on average 4 years to develop
Culture of Discipline (Disciplined Action)
- Culture of disciplined people who take disciplined action within the 3 circles
- Incompetence and lack of discipline breeds bureaucracy
- A duality of a consistent system that gives people responsibility and freedom within its framework
- Budgeting is a decision on activities that are either fully funded or not funded at all
- A stop doing list is more important than a to do list
Technology Accelerators (Disciplined Action)
- Good to Great companies pioneer in carefully selected technologies that fit within Hedgehog concept
- Technology is an accelerator of momentum not a creator
- Great companies respond to technology with thoughtfulness and creativity, and are motivated to turn potential into results whilst mediocre companies react from fear of being left behind